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The Swiss Hemp c’est :

– Plus de 15 000 clients satisfaits
– Plus de 50 variétés différentes
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Fleurs CBD

CBD Switzerland

We ship our products to Switzerland and almost all European countries (France (excluding Dom-Tom), United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, etc.).

Dans certains cas, vous pouvez bénéficier de la livraison gratuite (dans le cadre d’une offre spéciale, d’un montant minimum d’achats). Les conditions pour bénéficier peuvent évoluer dans le temps et selon les offres commerciales en cours.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre service de livraison, rendez-vous here.

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is one of (approximately) 80 cannabinoids contained in cannabis. After tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is mainly responsible for the psychotropic effect of cannabis, CBD is, in terms of concentration, the second most important cannabinoid in this plant. However, unlike THC, it does not produce a psychotropic effect.

There is no legal limit for CBD content - the THC content is always decisive. Cannabis with a THC content below 1 % has been legal in Switzerland since 2011.

CBD has no psychotropic effect and therefore does not produce a high. Some users report a mildly relaxed feeling, but this could also be due to the residual THC content, which can produce such an effect on people not used to regular cannabis consumption. CBD may also have an effect on mood. In general, the therapeutic properties of this molecule have not yet been studied. However, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, anti-vomiting, anxiolytic, antidepressant and antipsychotic effects have been cited. Consumption is said to have little or no side effects.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound naturally present in the cannabis plant. Although CBD is one of many compounds found in cannabis, it does not produce the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use, such as euphoria or altered perception.

The effects of CBD may vary from person to person, but studies have shown that it can have several health benefits, including:

  1. Pain relief: CBD can help relieve pain by reducing inflammation and acting on pain receptors in the body.
  2. Reduced anxiety and depression: CBD can help reduce levels of anxiety and depression by acting on the receptors in the brain that regulate mood.
  3. Improved sleep: CBD can help improve sleep quality by reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.
  4. Reduction of mental health symptoms: CBD may help reduce symptoms of various mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  5. Improved heart health: CBD can help reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and acting on receptors in the heart.

It is important to note that the effects of CBD can vary depending on the dose, method of administration and quality of the product used. Before starting to use CBD, it is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional to discuss the potential risks and benefits for your specific situation.

Yes, pets can benefit from CBD for the same conditions as humans: pain, seizures, inflammation and anxiety. CBD is safe for pets but their dosage will probably be much lower than yours. Dogs have a higher concentration of cannabinoid receptors in their brain. This means that they are very sensitive to THC.

Research into the effects of CBD on animals is still limited, but some studies have suggested that CBD may have potential benefits for animal health. Potential effects of CBD on animals may include:

  1. Anxiety reduction: CBD can help reduce anxiety in pets, especially those suffering from chronic stress or separation anxiety.
  2. Pain relief: CBD can also help reduce pain in animals, especially those suffering from chronic pain or inflammatory diseases.
  3. Reduced inflammation: CBD can help reduce inflammation in animals, which can help treat a variety of health problems, such as arthritis and allergies.
  4. Improved sleep quality: CBD can also help improve sleep quality in animals, especially those with sleep disorders.

The optimal dosage of CBD oil depends on several factors, such as your weight, your metabolism, the concentration of CBD in the oil, the reason for using the oil and your individual sensitivity to CBD. It is important to start with a lower dose and increase gradually if necessary.

Here are some general guidelines to help you determine your optimal CBD oil dosage:

  • Start with a dose of 5 to 10 mg of CBD per day.
  • If you do not feel any benefit after a few days, you can increase your dose by 5 to 10 mg every two or three days.
  • Continue to increase the dose until you get the desired effects.
  • The maximum recommended dose of CBD is usually 200 mg per day, but this may vary depending on your individual situation.

It is important to note that the effects of CBD can take time to manifest themselves, so it is important to be patient and not to increase your dose too quickly.

It is also recommended that you keep a CBD oil diary to track your dose, your experience and adjust your dosage if necessary.

Finally, it is important to consult a health care professional before starting to use CBD oil, especially if you are already taking medication or have any particular health problems.

Swiss CBD (Swiss Made Weed or Swiss Made Cannabis) seems to be more popular with consumers. Indeed in Switzerland as elsewhere there are several ranges of cannabidiol products but statistically it would seem that the Swiss CBD market is where some of the best CBD flowers and hashes are found.

In Switzerland, cbd products are limited to 1% of thc, compared to 0.3% in the European Union. In addition, the Swiss authorities are more tolerant of cannabis products containing little thc, which has allowed producers to start cultivation at the beginning of the cbd market boom.

By producing quality flowers naturally, Swiss growers are less tempted to improve their product downstream with questionable techniques such as adding synthetic terpenes to increase the aromatic quality of flowers and hash.

In addition, Swiss sanitary control is more demanding than that of other producing countries such as Italy, where outdoor production is exposed to parasites, which often leads to the use of pesticides, unlike indoor production, which does not require the use of such products.

Le High Speed Dynamic est une forme synthétiquement produite de CBD disponible principalement en ligne. Il offre un effet stimulant pour l’esprit et le corps.

Après consommation, les effets du HSD se manifestent en quelques minutes et peuvent durer entre 30 minutes et 1 heure. Il procure une sensation de vitalité, d’énergie, une concentration améliorée et une clarté mentale. Ces sensations sont douces et semblent naturelles.

Le THCP, ou tétrahydrocannabiphorol, est l’un des nombreux cannabinoïdes présents dans le cannabis. Il est produit lorsque le CBGA, un cannabinoïde acide présent dans la plante, subit un processus d’élimination du dioxyde de carbone connu sous le nom de décarboxylation. Les scientifiques ont découvert que le THCP peut se lier aux récepteurs CB1 et CB2 dans le cerveau humain, ce qui explique pourquoi il est capable de produire des effets psychoactifs.

En raison de sa capacité à se lier aux récepteurs CB1 et CB2, le THCP peut produire une variété d’effets sur l’organisme. Cela peut comprendre:

Une sensation d’euphorie
Une relaxation profonde
Une amélioration de l’appétit
Un soulagement potentiel de la douleur
Potentiel d’amélioration du sommeil

Veuillez noter que les effets du THCP peuvent varier en fonction de la dose consommée et de la tolérance individuelle.

Le H4CBD, également appelé CBD hydrogéné ou hexahydrocannabidiol, est une forme semi-synthétique du cannabidiol (CBD), un composé naturellement présent dans la plante de cannabis. Cette version hydrogénée du CBD est produite en laboratoire en ajoutant des atomes d’hydrogène à une molécule de CBD.

L’origine et l’histoire du H4CBD remontent à la création de différentes versions synthétiques et semi-synthétiques des cannabinoïdes par les scientifiques au milieu du 20e siècle. Depuis lors, le H4CBD a été étudié pour ses propriétés apaisantes potentielles, y compris son effet non psychoactif et anti-inflammatoire.

Le H4CBD est différent du CBD en termes de composition chimique et de conséquences physiologiques. Le CBD a une faible affinité pour le récepteur CB1 et ne produit pas d’effet psychotrope significatif, tandis que le H4CBD est 100 fois plus puissant que le CBD sur les récepteurs CB1 sans pour autant produire un effet psychoactif plus prononcé. De plus, le H4CBD a été montré pour avoir une plus grande capacité anti-inflammatoire que le CBD.

Le H4CBD peut-être consommé sous différentes formes que cela soit en fleurs comme la AK CHOCO H4CBDthe Mango Kush H4CBD ou la Weeding Cake H4CBD, en résine comme le King Hassan ou encore en huiles.

Le H4CBD est une molécule qui présente un certain nombre de bienfaits potentiels pour la santé. L’un des principaux avantages du H4CBD réside dans ses effets sur le système nerveux et l’humeur. Il est reconnu pour ses propriétés anti-stress et anti-anxiété, qui peuvent améliorer l’humeur et réduire les symptômes de l’anxiété. De plus, le H4CBD peut stimuler mentalement et améliorer la concentration, ce qui en fait une option intéressante pour ceux qui recherchent un soutien pour leur bien-être émotionnel.

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Qualité et Passion Suisse : Votre Destination pour les Produits CBD Premium

We are a Swiss company composed of CBD professionals. It is now 8 years we have been working and learning in this market, and we are proud to present our new baby.

We offer all types of Swiss CBD products, from CBD flowerss, the CBD oil SwitzerlandCBD resins and a wide range of accessories to refine your tasting.

Offering premium quality products at the most competitive prices possible is our motto.

Our team is made up of cannabis and CBD enthusiasts, and we choose our suppliers carefully, because we want organic products that do not use any chemicals during flowering, and above all are treated with love and passion by the producers. This is why we offer you products of excellent quality, and at a good price.

You will be won over by our availability, because beyond our products, it is also our desire to make you happy that will satisfy you. Indeed, we are lovers of good customer service, so you can count on us at any time when you have questions.

If you are looking for quality products, free and discreet shipping, and guaranteed order receipt, you have come to the right place at The Swiss Hemp.