What is H4CBD ?
H4CBD (H4-cannabidiol) represents a hydrogenated variant of cannabidiol. In other words, this new form of CBD is obtained by adding 4 hydrogen atoms to the original molecule from hemp, using a process commonly used in the food industry: hydrogenation. As a reminder, this process consists of adding hydrogen to a substance to modify its physical or chemical properties. In the case of modification of H4CBD by hydrogenation, it is the properties of the basic molecules that change.
Because H4CBD is not synthesized naturally in the trichomes of cannabis flowers, it is not a phytocannabinoid. It is then classified among synthetic cannabinoids such as HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) which are manufactured in the laboratory by humans.
What are the potential effects of H4CBD on the body?
Studies and research on H4CBD are limited, although consumer feedback provides valuable insight into its effects. Let's find out together what the potential effects of H4CBD are on the body.
H4CBD : anti-inflammatory properties The majority of cannabinoids are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. It turns out that H4CBD is no exception to this rule, since it also acts on the body's cannabinoid receptors. The effect inhibits the production of inflammatory cytokines and reduces the activity of immune cells responsible for inflammation. Thus, there is a reduction in pain and inflammation associated with various conditions.
The feeling of well-being of H4CBD
H4CBD would have an increased effect on the feeling of well-being, but without the euphoric and intoxicating effects of a cannabinoid like THC. Its greater influence than that of CBD on mood is explained by a better action on the CB1 receptors of the brain. And for good reason, the affinity of CBD on CB1 receptors is very limited.
A calming effect for better sleep As we have pointed out, H4CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid that can produce a well-being effect. This relaxing effect on the body and mind would then be an asset not to be neglected in order to sleep better. Its consumption would help get rid of stress and anxiety to help you fall asleep.
What are the side effects of H4CBD ? In addition to possible drug interactions, the side effects of this synthetic cannabinoid are very similar to those of cannabidiol. Here are the side effects of H4CBD:
Drowsiness Dry mouth Nausea and dizziness In some cases, H4CBD appears to reduce the ability to concentrate and move. Is H4CBD more powerful than CBD? With its 4 additional hydrogen atoms, it is easy to think that H4CBD would be more powerful than CBD. However, although these two products are similar, they are also very different chemically. More specifically, H4CBD is not “optimized CBD.” It is a very unique cannabinoid.
The effects of H4CBD
The regulation of H4CBD in France The law on H4CBD in France respects the same as the law on CBD in France. Even if H4CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid, its effects would not call into question its legality.
H4CBD products, like CBD products, must not exceed a rate of 0.3% to remain legal in the eyes of French and European legislation. The Swiss Hemp scrupulously respects this measure.
With its anti-inflammatory properties, H4CBD offers a new perspective for relieving pain and inflammation related to various conditions. Its ability to promote a feeling of well-being, without the psychotropic effects of THC, opens up interesting opportunities to improve mood and quality of life.
Additionally, H4CBD exhibits calming potential that could help improve sleep quality by helping to overcome stress and anxiety.
It is essential to note that H4CBD , although being a synthetic cannabinoid, remains subject to the same regulations as CBD in France. It must be present in products at levels below 0.3% to remain legal, and consumers should always exercise caution and responsibility when incorporating new substances into their routine.
As we continue to explore the wonders of nature and scientific advances, let's keep in mind that research on H4CBD and other cannabinoids is constantly evolving. Companies like “The Swiss Hemp” play an essential role by scrupulously respecting legal standards and committing to providing safe and quality products.

What is H4CBD?
What is H4CBD?
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