No law prohibits the consumption of CBD before getting behind the wheel. The relaxing effects of CBD can, however, make you less vigilant and cause danger.

CBD consumption and driving, the legal point

In France, the sale and consumption of cannabidiol is authorized as long as the THC content of the product does not exceed 0.2%. And if you are stopped while driving your car for a police check, it is indeed THC that can cause you a problem. A positive saliva test can in fact lead to the removal of 6 points on the driving license, a fine of up to 4,500 euros and up to two years of imprisonment.

To avoid this risk, it is better to choose a CBD that does not contain any trace of THC. It is also advisable to choose a quality CBD product with controlled origin to be absolutely certain that the THC level mentioned is respected. Also keep in mind that while it is easy to control the quantity of cannabinoids ingested via a CBD oil or even a capsule, you will have much less certainty on, for example, the quantities of active molecules inhaled from CBD flowers. in vaporization.

In summary, from a legal point of view, nothing prohibits taking CBD just before driving. The presence, even in tiny amounts, of THC can nevertheless be problematic and enough to put you out of the law. You must wait 6 hours to eliminate THC from the body.

How long can you drive after consuming CBD?

Generally speaking, the tiny traces of THC present in CBD (0.2% ) tend to disappear after around 6 hours. This is therefore the minimum time you will have to wait before driving.

Therefore, if you work during the day, and you have to travel by car to get to work. it is advisable to wait until the evening to start consuming therapeutic cannabis .

Side effects of CBD and driving

drive after consuming CBD?
What Are the Side Effects of CBD

CBD does not have a psychotropic effect, however, it can induce drowsiness in some people. If it provides well-being, this may be accompanied by a feeling of falling asleep. If you have consumed CBD and feel tired, don't drive!

Even if a state of mild lethargy with cannabidiol products is not systematic, you understand why you should not drive, as alertness may be impaired. Between the risk of a road accident and a positive drug test for cannabis, there is no need to procrastinate! When driving a car, motorcycle or any other vehicle, you must refrain from consuming CBD !

If you care about your driving license, your health and the safety of other road users, save your electronic cigarette containing CBD e-liquid for later. Nothing stops you from vaping once you arrive at your destination, as long as you are not going to drive again for several hours.

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