Choosing the best time to take CBD oil depends mainly on the desired effect. Indeed, CBD has different effects on the body depending on when it is ingested. It is therefore essential to fully understand these effects and adapt them to your specific needs.

Stimulating and relaxing effects of CBD

It is important to note that CBD has biphasic effects: at low doses it acts as a stimulant, while at high doses it has relaxing properties. So, if you're looking for an energizing effect to help you start the day, a small dose of CBD in the morning could be ideal. On the other hand, if you are looking to relax and promote restful sleep, a higher dose in the evening would be more appropriate.

Morning: to start the day off right

A boosting effect to start the day

  • Taking CBD oil in the morning can help you feel more alert and focused throughout the day. Some users also report an improvement in their overall mood when consuming CBD in the morning.
  • Additionally, CBD oil can be combined with other stimulating substances like coffee to enhance its energizing effects and promote productivity. However, it is important not to overdo it, as this could lead to overstimulation.

Fight against chronic pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, taking CBD oil in the morning could help relieve these unpleasant sensations and help you function better in your daily life. CBD works by interacting with our body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a key role in regulating pain. Taking CBD oil in the morning allows you to benefit from its analgesic effects throughout the day.

During the day: to manage stress and anxiety

Support in stressful situations

  • CBD may help manage stress and anxiety by acting on serotonin receptors, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. Taking CBD oil during the day, especially before stressful events such as an important meeting or an exam, can therefore help you feel calmer and relaxed.
  • It is also possible to use CBD oil as needed throughout the day to relieve occasional tension and anxiety.

In the evening: to promote quality sleep

Relaxing and soothing effects

  • Taking CBD oil in the evening can help you unwind after a busy day and promote restful sleep. Indeed, CBD has been shown to improve sleep quality by decreasing the time it takes to fall asleep, extending the duration of deep sleep, and reducing nighttime awakenings.
  • Additionally, CBD may also help manage sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea by acting on the neural mechanisms responsible for these conditions.

Fight nighttime pain

If you suffer from persistent pain that tends to get worse at night, taking CBD oil in the evening can help relieve pain and improve your comfort during the night. This way, you will be able to enjoy better quality sleep and wake up more rested and less painful.

Finding the right timing: listening to your body

Ultimately, the best time to take CBD oil depends on your individual needs and desired effects. It is therefore essential to listen to your body and adjust your CBD intake according to your own feelings. Feel free to experiment with different times of day and adjust doses to find what works best for you. >> Discover our selection of CBD oil
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