CBD and Sex

CBD and Sex - Cannabis Switzerland

How Can CBD Spice Up Your Sex Life? Consuming cannabis is an effective way to spice up your sex life. CBD, a beneficial non-psychoactive cannabinoid, can be particularly useful in making your sex life more relaxed, pleasurable and exciting.

Living life to the full is a desire we all share. It is about living life as it should be lived. Of course, there are many ways to do this.

We can travel the world, go to places we can't imagine, eat all the delicious food we want, have that job we've always dreamed of and have a loving family that completes us.

These are all sure ways to have a good life. But you also need things to help you relax and experience the pleasures life has to offer.

We're talking about sex here, that primal instinct that makes us human. And you could have a better sex life with cannabis.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid from the cannabis plant, which is increasingly used to treat various illnesses and to help manage pain. However, beyond helping to alleviate certain health conditions, CBD is also beneficial for improving our overall wellbeing and, indeed, our sex life too.


There are many potential sexual benefits associated with CBD consumption, but one of the most notable is the cannabinoid's potential to help erectile dysfunction. This is largely due to its ability to repair tissue damage and improve blood flow to the genitals. In addition, CBD's ability to naturally boost energy is a good complement to these other effects.

Based on a recent study, researchers have noted that erectile dysfunction is caused by natural aging in men. The aging process creates a toxin called dioxin, which contributes to the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. However, this can be repaired with the help of cannabis, as the CBD eliminates dioxin of the body.

CBD and Sex - The Swiss Hemp Shop
Can CBD Spice Up Your Sex Life?


Having sex may seem simple, but it is technically quite complicated. This is because, in order to feel sexual desire, two of your body's systems need to work properly. These are the sexual inhibition system and the sexual arousal system. These two have to work together to make you want to have sex.

CBD helps these two systems work together by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety through chemical reactions. Users think more clearly and become less nervous, which helps partners express themselves better. Moreover, all these benefits are not accompanied by any high or psychoactive stimulation.


Some people experience pain during sex. However, this can be reduced or avoided by consuming CBD. Women can use CBD rich oils to lubricate their sexual organs.

It also helps to improve blood circulation and stimulate natural lubrication, making sex smoother and less painful. This is why CBD is very useful for menopausal women.

There are also studies that state that using CBD as a lubricant reduces inflammation and increases serotonin levels, which helps the body feel more pleasure during orgasm.



The use of cannabis lubricants is becoming increasingly popular. There are THC-rich and CBD-rich options, but neither will get you high. However, you need to be careful because CBD lubricants are usually oil-based and not latex-friendly. This means that the risk of breaking the condom is high.

There is a growing body of evidence from women that CBD lubricant increases sexual arousal. And the good thing about it is that it generally has no discernible odour. However, there are other lubricants that do have an odour, so it's up to you.

CBD lubricant relieves women of the pain commonly experienced during penetration as it relaxes the tissues surrounding the sexual organs. However, it is important not to expect an immediate effect.


Mixing different strains of cannabis is a sure way to get your sex life off to a great start. Don't be afraid to experiment with different options. Take Dance World, a cross between Dancehall and Juanita la Lagrimosa. These two varieties combine to boost your energy day and night, without causing a high.

There are many CBD rich strains to choose from at Royal Queen Seeds, depending on what you are looking for. You might also want to experiment with our CBD hemp seed oil or perhaps our CBD oil capsules. These will relax you and calm your body while increasing your concentration. So if your main goal is to have sex with your partner, you will succeed with flying colours.


Microdosing CBD-rich cannabis is another effective way to improve your sex life. It is recommended to stay under 2.5mg to 5mg if you want to microdose, as this ensures you get the benefits without getting high. It's all about subtle relaxation and having your senses heightened, which is very useful if you want to work out in the bedroom all night.

The good thing about microdosing is that you don't get the usual effects of cannabis. What you get instead is a heightened sensation that makes you enjoy sex even more. Mentally, you are sharp and still yourself, while enjoying the sweet sensation of having a good time with your partner.

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