CBD and autism!

CBD and autism!

CBD and autism

Neither CBD nor any other drug can suppress or cure the main symptoms of autism, which include difficulties with social communication, sensory dysfunction and restricted and repetitive behaviour.

CBD can, however, help reduce epilepsy in certain autistic children and adults. Fewer seizures can reduce stress and facilitate social interaction.

Search results

A few large-scale studies have explored the impact of CBD on autistic children, but none have explored its impact on adults. One of the largest studies of this type took place in Israel. It includes the following finding:

"In 2014, the Department of Health began providing licences for the treatment of children with epilepsy. After seeing the results of cannabis treatment on symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, panic, tantrums and self-harming behaviour, in children with epilepsy, parents of severely autistic children turned to medical cannabis for relief. "

Studies are underway in clinics and research centres around the world.

Before trying CBD

Before considering the use of CBD oil, it is important to take the following steps:

  • Check with your child's doctor (or your own) that there are no allergies or sensitivities that could cause a reaction to CBD.
  • Check with your child's doctor to see if the medical benefits of CBD oil match your child's symptoms.
  • Check that CBD is legal in your country of residence.
  • Research CBD sources to ensure that the brand you are using is reputable and properly licensed.
  • Take careful notes of your child's (or your own) behaviours and symptoms so that you can make a useful comparison before and after CBD use.

Use of CBD

CBD comes in many forms and dosage levels, including candy. It is important to keep medicines and supplements in candy form out of the reach of young children.

Low doses are more easily tolerated than high doses.

When you start using a new supplement, medicine or treatment, it's important to make sure your child's doctor knows about it and has no concerns about your child's health. Inform everyone who works with your child that you have started something new and ask them to look out for and report any changes in behaviour or ability.

Take careful note of any changes you notice so that you can easily check your records to see how helpful the new treatment really is. Be aware of any troubling side effects. Be sure to report any side effects to a doctor or health care professional immediately.


Children with autism grow and learn every day, simply because they are maturing. As a result, there is no simple way to determine whether a change in behaviour or an increase in skills is due to a particular treatment or to ordinary maturation. This reality makes it very easy to notice a change in behaviour and inaccurately attribute it to the brand new treatment you've tried. The best way to know whether a particular treatment is really effective is to be rigorous in assessing your child before and after using it.

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