Understanding the different oils

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CBD oil: Understanding the different oils.

For months now, Cannabidiol (CBD) products have been developing at a rapid pace in France and all over Europe. You can find all kinds of products such as flowers, resins, food and cosmetics, but also oils. However, there are many different types of oils, and it can be difficult to understand everything. So we will help you to understand them better.

What exactly is CBD oil? What are the differences between hemp and cannabis? Where does the oil originally come from? We will try to answer all these questions. In addition, the extraction methods to obtain CBD oil and the use of CBD drops will also be discussed. At the same time, we will discuss the effects and possible side effects. Finally, we will briefly present the possible applications of cannabis oils, as well as the correct dosage of these CBD products. CBD.

CBD oil: What is it and where does it come from?

CBD or cannabidiol is one of more than a hundred cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It has grown exponentially in popularity in recent years. Users are diverse: mothers, grandparents, hipsters and hippies, etc. CBD oil is now becoming the remedy of choice for pet owners. They want to ensure that their faithful companions have an anxiety-free and pain-free life.

What is cannabis oil?

Cannabis oil is obtained from hemp plants specially cultivated for their high CBD content. Among these, the Cannabis Sativa La plant with a very low THC content. Therefore, the extraction of the oil does not cause intoxication or psychotropic effects. The CBD content of cannabis oil can vary from product to product. There are several ways to consume it: vaporising the oil and thus absorbing the active ingredients through the respiratory tract, adding the oil to food or taking it orally. The way you consume cannabis oil will depend entirely on your preferences. Cannabis oil is often associated with various positive effects on the psychological and physical well-being of humans. However, no official studies have yet been presented on this subject, and we of course recommend that you contact your doctor before taking CBD oils or other products.

How to obtain CBD oil by extraction?

As with peanut oil, for example, there are different types: hot extracted or cold pressed, refined or not, etc. The same principle applies to CBD oils. It all starts with the extraction of the oil, and to do this, there are 2 types of extraction:

  1. CO2 extraction: In this process, the biomass (the plant material) is filtered through a series of chambers to isolate the different cannabinoids and terpenes at different temperatures (all of which are controlled using CO2, hence the name of this method). They are then literally pressed out of the plant with high pressure. This is, to date, the most widely used extraction method as it isolates and removes unwanted components from the plant without leaving any residue.
  2. Solvent extraction: This process is clearly less expensive than the previous one. It consists of injecting a solvent (usually ethanol) into the hemp plant. The solvent dissolves the cannabinoids so that they can be extracted from the plant. The mixture is then subjected to evaporation, which leaves only the plant's compounds.

Oil production following extraction

Once the crude hemp oil is extracted, the product must be packaged for consumers. This is a winterisation and/or insulation process. The process used is determined by the type of final product desired.

  1. Full spectrum CBD oil: Winterisation removes waxes and other impurities. What remains is broad spectrum or full spectrum CBD oil. This contains a wide range of cannabinoid acids (decarboxylated cannabinoid precursors) / cannabinoids (carboxylated cannabinoid acids) such as THC and Cannabidiol, terpenes and flavonoids.
  2. Cannabinoid isolates: crude hemp oil is subjected to a process called centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) in which all other components are removed, leaving pure Cannabidiol at about 99 % or other cannabinoid isolates.

The effects and benefits of using CBD oil

We remind you that this passage is indicative and informative, and that in no case do we invite you to consume them. Once again, it is imperative that you consult your doctor before using these products.

The scientific community agrees that CBD has analgesic properties. It helps to reduce pain and inflammation by controlling and suppressing the α3-glycine receptors that cause the sensation of pain. CBD may also have an immunosuppressive effect, which helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

It may also help to treat certain cancers by killing certain cancer cells and reducing tumour sizes by regulating the expression of the Id-1 gene.

For anxiety and depression, CBD stimulates serotonin levels in the brain, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It also appears to stimulate neurogenesis in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that regulates emotions and mood. Thus, CBD could help calm anxiety and stress as well as make depressive periods more bearable. In the same sense, CBD oil can help you fight insomnia and make you sleep better.

How many drops and how to use them?

Although we do not yet have clear and reliable data on the dosage of the oil, the medical profession, experienced users and empirical experience suggest that it is best to "start small and work your way up". This generally means starting with 25 mg of CBD twice a day, and then gradually increasing this dose by adding 25 mg every 3-4 weeks until the expected effects are achieved.

Are there any side effects?

As it is considered a non-narcotic product, there is no evidence of harm to the human body. However, users may react differently to the effects of CBD. Some of the known side effects may include: dry mouth, mild drowsiness, dizziness, and diarrhea. It is therefore important to talk to a doctor before using it.

Source: https://laverteshop.fr/huile-de-cbd-tout-comprendre-sur-les-differentes-huiles/

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