Category Archives: Actualités CBD

Les moments clés dans l’histoire du CBD

De ses premières utilisations en Asie il y a des millénaires à son émergence dans [...]

Les cadeaux CBD parfaits pour les fêtes : Idées pour offrir du bien-être

Noël approche à grands pas et vous vous demandez ce que vous allez bien pouvoir [...]

Qu’est-ce que le THCP ?

L’univers des cannabinoïdes évolue rapidement, offrant un éventail de composés aux propriétés uniques et intrigantes. [...]

What is H4CBD?

What is H4CBD? H4CBD (H4-cannabidiol) is a hydrogenated variant of cannabidiol. Otherwise known as [...]

Switzerland bans hexahydrocannabinol (HHC): the dangers of HHC on public health

The Federal Department of Home Affairs has taken a measure to combat the misuse of the Internet.

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Regulated sale of cannabis in Lausanne: shop to open in September

The city of Lausanne, in partnership with Addiction Switzerland, has launched a pilot project called "The [...]

What is H4CBD?

Qu’est-ce que le H4CBD ? L’hexahydrocannabinol (H4CBD) est un cannabinoïde qui est présent dans la [...]

Hong Kong's CBD ban leaves businesses facing ruin

THE CBD IN HONG KONG As Hong Kong takes its first steps to crack down on the CBD, it is becoming increasingly difficult to [...].

CBD and cosmetics: Where do we stand?

The position of CBD products on the EU market has not always been clear.

CBD in Russia: basketball player Brittney Griner jailed at the airport for having CBD oil.

Given the current situation, and the war between Russia and Ukraine, [...]